There is hardly a better venue than a big old church for an epic game of hide and seek.
Politically moderate. Mildly adventurous. Always thinking (but not too hard). The Upstairs Project is Chris Congdon's blog.
All in life
There is hardly a better venue than a big old church for an epic game of hide and seek.
Someone was watching me. . . .
I was overcome by the feeling that unknown eyes were upon me.
I have a cool job. They pay me to write, and shoot, and edit, and to share great stories of inspiration and hope. Since I haven’t posted much else recently, I thought I would share this sample of what I get to do at work.
Tired? Nope.
Short of Breath? Nope.
Maybe I’m fine.
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If you were to come into the closet with me and shut the door . . . waaay back into the closet, behind my old high school marching band uniform . . .
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I’m running for my life in Selma, Alabama. I’m not walking kinda fast for my life, and I’m not jogging for my life - I’m running for my life in Selma, Alabama
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There is no pharmacological laxative as effective as the impending start of a mountain bike race.
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Pacing from window to window, talking to myself. Looking out the front and the back and this side and that side as though the conditions might be better over here or over there.
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I shot two more rounds very cautiously, very deliberately. Then he told me I didn’t need to cock the hammer every time so I went bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, click.
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he’ll hide in the ditch and stay down until I’m past. Then he’ll cross the road behind me and sprint up on my other side where I’m not expecting him and just about the time I think I’ve made it …
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Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow . . . one step and one day at a time, with courage and perseverance, we work our way through the month of March.
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as I watch, the ball gradually fades to the left and squeezes itself between the pins in an apologetic way as if it is saying, “pardon me, sorry to bother you”.
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I feel extra-masculine manhandling barbed wire, driving my Dodge through waist-high weeds and stepping in cow shit. Those are the kinds of things us city boys only get to do in our imaginations as we’re watching truck ads on TV. I hope MSL notices how broad my shoulders are.
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Being told to take off my hat deprives me of the opportunity to show respect with a voluntary action … now it just feels like I’m following orders.
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I’m a little sad to turn over the keys and the title as we move on to something newer and more efficient. It feels like I just sold the dog.
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the hunger caught up with me and it was epic. Moms in Africa were telling their kids to eat all their cassava paste because Chris was starving in America.
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MSL unexpectedly came into the room while I was watching one of “those” videos that just show up in my feed sometimes and I couldn’t get my browser closed fast enough.
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I’ve been working on a project for five years. It’s not my life’s work, but it might take a lifetime to finish. (and no, I'm not talking about my laundry)
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first things first - this is Thanksgiving. While we celebrate the holiday with feasting and family, the point isn’t the food or the football. The purpose of the holiday is to pause our regular busyness and acknowledge the blessings and the goodness around us, so let’s be thankful.
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In these modest ways she rescues people - lets them know that someone cares - and to those people, she’s as much of a hero as the guys on the fire truck.
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